Adult Onesies? Yes, Please

And I Look Super Cute In Them

Misty Rae


Me, in my unicorn onesie in hubby’s art studio: Photo courtesy of the author

So, Keeley Schroder wants to know if I have an adult onesie and when I wear it:

Short answer, yes. I have two, the unicorn pictured above and a Snoopy one:

Snoopy, bitches!: Photo courtesy of the author

Why? Why would an adult of some 50+ years have adult onesies? Because I can, that’s why. Because they’re cute. Because they’re cozy. What? Am I too old for comfort? No, I’m not.

The first one I bought was at Walmart. Go ahead and judge if you want, but yeah, I shop there. I have a limited amount of money to spend and as much as I’d love to spend it at local businesses with organic this and that, I can’t afford it right now.

So, for $19.99, I got a Snoopy onesie. It was on sale. And it was winter. I was still living on the East Coast of Canada.

For those of you that don’t know, winter in Canada, well much of it, is fucking cold. I mean -40…



Misty Rae

6X Top Writer. Former legal eagle. Wife, mother, nature lover, chef, writer and all-around free spirit .