All of this! I don't bother posting in Facebook groups much any more but when I do, I ALWAYS hide the link bombs. It's always the same people. And if you comment that you've read and clapped with your link 34 seconds after I've posted my 5 minute story, well, I may not be the smartest person in the world, but I can do that math!
I also hate when they comment with links or beg for followers in my comments right here on Medium. Nope. I may sound like a bitch (won't be the first time, won't be the last) but I don't care if someone needs 100 followers. That in and of itself isn't going to inspire me to follow or read anything by anyone. I once needed 100 followers and I got them, the old fashioned way, by writing stuff people wanted to read and by readinging and honestly engaging with other writers' content. And it took like, 2 weeks. Oh, and the number of followers someone has makes no bearing on income. Yeah, you need the 100 to get in, but beyond that, if your followers aren't reading your stuff...well, think about it, we get paid by the read.
I could go on and on, but you've pretty much covered it, so I'l stop here.