An Open Breakup Letter

Because The Love Is Gone

Misty Rae


Photo by Marah Bashir on Unsplash


We need to talk. I just can’t take it anymore. I’ve tried, believe me, I’ve tried. I've tried to make it work. I’ve tried to hang onto the good times. But there’s just nothing left. The time has come for us to go our separate ways.

I really did love you. Once. Remember when I was young? Remember how excited I was to see you? Remember how the very thought of you filled my heart with wonderous joy? It was pure magic!

But honestly, I haven’t felt that magic in years. Heck, I haven't felt it in decades. Once the kids came along, I was content to fake it because that’s what we parents do. We put on a happy face. We go through the motions so they can have the happiness they deserve. And really, there were times, when I looked in their bright smiling eyes that I thought, maybe, just maybe there was some hope for us.

There isn’t though. I can’t keep kidding myself. It’s not you. I know, that’s such cliche, but, really, it’s not. You’re not the villain here. It’s just that over the years, you’ve changed. Or maybe I have. I don’t know. All I know is something has.

It’s like you take way more than you give now. For you, it’s become all about the show. My needs, my happiness, they don’t matter.



Misty Rae

6X Top Writer. Former legal eagle. Wife, mother, nature lover, chef, writer and all-around free spirit .