As an Athirst who was raised Baptist, but has Jewish ancestry and what I call a "culturally Jewish" soul, I very much enjoy your stories for some strange reason. Perhaps it's because I've always been a student of religion/philosophy.
That said, I'm with you. $450 for a game system draw when people are in a very literal sense, hungry, homeless and struggling to maintain basic necessities like heat?
If I recall the teachings from my Sunday school days, Jesus didn't have a Nintendo Switch. He didn't have much of anything and didn't offer much of anything in a material sense. That's the idea. or I thought it was, peace, purpose, salvation, those things.
The people that come to Church for the door prize aren't the people you want. They're not there for the message. And it's somehow offensive, even to me, that a church is reinforcing the exact opposite of Christ's teachings. I don't recall any Bible passage that said, "give upon them all sorts of cool ,expensive stuff and ye shall be a beacon unto others."