As you know, I'm mixed-race. I wanted to give Kamala a chance. I'm not a fan. The code switching bothers me, won't lie. But let's not get it twisted, what we have now (I'm Canadian but we're suffering the same thing) is a lack of education on the part of voters. We need to bring back Civics. We need to educate our children because this sound byte madness actually works on people The "I heard this or that from (insert famous name here)," is where people are getting their information without having any idea of how the system works or how to vet info.
I'm not naive, and I sure am not stupid...the writing's on the wall here. There's a very definite push to take us back to the 50s, to put "us" back in our place.
There's a principle in Psychology I studied, it's called Extinguishment. What it describes is poor behaviour increasing before it stops, like a toddler who throws a tantrum. They'll up the ante to get what they want and if they don't, they eventually stop. That's what we're seeing here, a system of white supremacy, on the edge of collapse, hanging on for dear life and fighting as hard as they can because why not? Who wants to lose privilege? Who wants to not be on top? But the wallet is the thing, right and it's powerful and the average Joe or Jane knows nothing about economics dnd the economic cycle, let alone politics. We need to educate our youth, full stop!