Come on, Toni, go easy, you know, when my father died of end stage kidney disease at 64, his last words were, "hey, at least the nurses had neat and tidy hair."
Okay, sorry, that was obviously sarcasm. What the actual fuck? Actually what he said as he went through 12 years of illness was that it was nurses, not doctors, nurses that saved his life more than once, catching things like his Penicillin allergy, drug contraindication, etc. You know, nurses, highly educated, highly trained professionals that spend more time with patients than anyone else.
Nobody when they need care gives a shit about a nurse's hair. She (or he, but this is a "she" issue and we both know it) can have no damn hair. She can have crazy thick curls like mine. Is she competent? That's all I need to know.
I stand with our nursing sisters with you. I'm not sure what the hell is happening to the world, but there are real issues out there to deal with. This obsession with womens' bodies is ridiculous. I could go on, but, you know, your story, and I'm not trying to write a new one in the comments.