Courtney, take a second to breathe. There's no need to make a decision about your writing just yet. True, I'm not walking in your shoes, but I can see it's a tough one. I've been through some shit in my day too.
That said, the radiograph results were a crushing blow, no doubt. A blow like that can make a person question everything, including their own identity. I went through a similar thing when I pretty much went off my rocker and had to walk away from practicing law because the stress was toxic for me after al whole bunch of shit that I won't bore you with.
As for this person who said no one ever loved you, that's a low blow and says way more about that person than you. I know that's tough to believe now.
We're all damaged. It doesn't make us unloveable or incapable.
I'd honestly urge you not to stop writing. I'm a pretty tough critic and I've followed you since way back in the Vocal days. There's something there, talent, honest to goodness talent. You have a great story telling ability and a way of writing that's accessible without being simplistic, if that makes sense, along with a unique voice.
Please don't do anything rash. Take time to lick the wounds you've beein inflicted with today, process them and then make your choices. You're a smart girl, FBI trained and all that, you know that decisions are best made from positions of strength, not weakness. Don't let naysayers and a wounded heart decide for you. You have a unique voice that I think needs to be heard.
My email is on my profile page, but if you want to talk, I'll leave it here, no judgment: