Defining Between The Lines

The 10 Shows That Helped Shape The Marvelous Mess That’s Me

Misty Rae
8 min readJan 2, 2022
The Mess, in the Flesh (Photo Courtesy of the Author)

Don’t you just love it when you sit down with your coffee on a Sunday morning and begin reading and the story you read not only entertains, but it also lights that little writing fire under your ass? It’s a writer’s dream to be inspired like that and today, Pierce McIntyre did that for me.

We all know I’m a retro fanatic. I’m stuck somewhere between 1986 and 1989 and it seems I’m staying there (technology aside). So it’s really no surprise that a story about the 10 television shows that helped shape someone’s life, followed by a prompt to respond in kind would get my noggin churning. It might do the same for you, so here’s his piece. I highly recommend it as an entertaining read:

I was born in 1971 and really came of age in the 80s. As many of you know, I was (I guess I still am) a white-looking biracial kid, raised in a Black home. I was also a sorta cute, embarrassingly innocent, nerd to the max (shameless 80s reference alert).



Misty Rae

6X Top Writer. Former legal eagle. Wife, mother, nature lover, chef, writer and all-around free spirit .