Do what you gotta do Mama! Education what we can give our kids that will bring them to a better place than us. My father had a grade education. He used to like to say grade 5, but he failed grade 4 at age 10 in 1940 and never went back. Education was a BIG deal in my home as a child.
I raised 3 boys. The oldest was easy. The middle one. well, you used bribery, I used my looks to get him his diploma. Yup sure did ain't sorry about it.
I sent him to rehab halfway through 11th grade. There was schooling there and he did well, brilliantly, in fact. He went back to his regular school for his graduating year. He did very well, except for French, a required course that he just couldn't get. He's dyslexic and has central auditory processing disorder, languages aren't his thing.
He was 20, going to be 21 that October and I'd been to hell and back with that boy. he was finally doing well, not graduating was a blow that I knew would send him into a spiral I didn;t even want to imagine.
We were all prepared for graduation when the day before, the VP called and told me about the French class and how he got a 14%, not even close to the 60% he needed. Well, ol' Mr. Smith had a crush on me. I knew it. I exploited it. I talked real sweet. I didn't do anything, if you get me, but I did express how sad I was, etc. I knew he wouldn't say no to me. That's why I did it. Best use of my looks ever!
Funny thing, he called me back 10 minutes later and told me the French teacher made an error and didn't my boy get 60 on the dot. I watched him walk the stage the following night and he went on to university. He's now a 30 year old fine young man that is a contributing member of society and loves to write just like his mommy.