Member-only story
Don’t Hate Me ‘Cuz I’m Beautiful!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, before you get your knickers all in a twist, hear me out. I can already hear your sigh. “Oh, great, another article about pretty people whining about how hard their lives are and how no one understands!” Well, not exactly, but, I am going to school you in a few home truths that some people need to hear.
I’m not here to debate pretty privilege or thin privilege or whatever. You wanna come at me with that, you’ll be missing the point of where I’m going. This story is more of a response to something I read a few days ago by Ezekiel Brown entitled These 4 Reasons Some Guys Are Not Interested in Beautiful Ladies Will Surprise You. Here it is if you wish to read it:
I was caught by the title and honestly, I was ready for a fight. I was salivating at the thought of putting him to rights! I was pretty sure I knew what he was going to say. And, he did. But, he finished off by reminding the reader that you can’t judge a person by their appearance. Good for him. I’m going to take that a step further.