Freedom from religion, that reminds me of Christopher Hitchens, the late and in my opinion the great. I have almost every book he's ever written. I didn't always agree with his politics, but his stance on religion, we're eye to eye. As you and I are.
In Canada right now, you know what's been happenening for months? I'll tell you, they're digging up bones. Bones of children. Bones of Aboriginal children that were snatched from their families in order to be "civilized" by the government and the Catholic Church. Children that died. Thousands of bodies of innocent children, in the name of religion.
Personally, I don't give a shit what people beleive. If you want to think there's a dude in the sky looking out for you, granting wishes, etc, fine, no problem. That's your right. Keep it to yourself. If I want to learn more, I know right where to find you,
No tax breaks, no say in legal matters. Protection to practice whatever you choose, sure, but that's where it ends for me. My body, my choice. Who I wish to commit my life to, my choice.
The truth, as I see it is religion was once very powerful, laws were made on that assumption and in the shadow of those morals. They haven't changed much and those who continue to cling don't want change. I get that's scary, but hey, hoe can "god" both be infallable and hate gays, and create them? How can "god" love us, but allow those acting in his name to abuse and kill innocent children?
I can go on for days about the inconsistencies. I was rasied strict Baptist, like spare the rod, do not question, keen of Jesus Baptist (aside, none of these people who buy into it all actually follow Jesus' teachings; because if, and big if, he did exist, he taught love and compassion, not hate and judgment). Okay, I digress, then I found out I was Jewish. Still, I've read the Bible. I've read the Q'ran. I've read the Tanach. I tried.
And I couldn't get there. And I shouldn't have to. I shouldn't have to pay crazy taxes for a Catholic public school board. yeah, in my province, that's a thing, religious school, exclusion of others, taxpayer funded. No. No, No. Muslims have to pay to send their kids to thier own institutes. Jews have to pay to educate their children in their faith. Christianity is special? No. People are hungry. People are fucking homeless. This is stupid.
Rasie your kids however you want. Beleive what you want. God, Jesus, Alla, Zeus, Buddha, Krishna, Ganesh, Spaghetti Monster, don't expect a tax break for it and don't push it on me, my body, my life, etc. Girl, you done hit a nerve here !
If you have time, check out Christopher Hitchens and Stephen Fry and their debate with representatives of the Catholic Church, you will LOVE it!