Fuck people. Here's a story for ya. My husband was my high school sweetheart, we went around and around but he was too immature and damaged to treat me properly. He was essentially raised by wolves, no wait, wolves feed and care for their young. So he couldn't trust that I loved him without condition or reservation.
Fast forward 20 years. He's back. I won't lie, I was married. Not happily, my son discovered kiddy porn on my husband's laptop and he treated me like a trophy wife.
As soon as now hubby and I established we still had feelings for each other, I was out....OUT.
He did change, he grew up. He reflected on his upbringing, and how he behaved. He did change. He's loving and secure and the best husband ever. Fuck anyone who judges. If they got time to down you and your relationship, they sure as fuck got time to look at the mess in their kitchen. Happy people don't cast stones. Remember that.