I feel like I'm living in a world that existed before I was born.. It's scary and wrong. I get that Roe v Wade and it's overturning just devloves the question to the states, I have a fucking law degree, but isn't that the problem. The states that are ready to compel a woman to carry a "child" they're not ready for, that they're not physically able to carry, etc.
I'm glad your husband was a good and decent man who understood the risks to you and took steps. But I'm saddened that we seem to have been set back 50 years. I fear so many ripple effects, challenges on contraception, maybe interracaial marriage (which would, yet again make me legally wrong), and goodness knows what else. I don;t even know how to process this except telling all women, if you find youreself in need of a particular kind of care, come up here to Canada. It'll cost a bit, but we're not sprinting back to the stone ages just yet.