I love this. I also practiced law and was a top litigator in my day. I worked for the largest firm in our region. One partner, we'll call him Paul, was a fast talking, charmer who promised the moon and rarely delivered, but clients loved him. He could sell snake oil like nobody I ever saw. He was unscrupulous in that he'd take anything to trial for the payday, even when the case was obviously a loser. One particularly lucrative client had a host of tax issues surrounding the classification of employees. He rode that train for millions. I worked on the files as a student and a junior associate and was able to come up with a couple wins with some creative thinking. Of course, I never got credit. When I left, they followed me...and boy was Paul pised! It took over 2 months to get the file transferred the 20 minutes to my new office.
And now I'm out of the soul-sucking profession and spend my days doing what I love, writing.