I probably should keep my trap shut on this, but I'm me, so, yeah no. I'm the thin friend. More than that, I'm the scrawny no boobs friend who also was looked over in favour of more "blessed" pals.
I'm small, it makes some people uneasy. I've learned at 52 to love my size and my awesome curves. Yes, curves, because small women can be curvy too. I own it now. I hated it once upon a time.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I see you. I value you. You're obviously an intelligent woman. I have no idea of your age, but my advice, as a skinny bitch is to find that validation in yourself and then walk tall and proud as the big, beautiful woman you are. I'm 109 pounds, I make people uncomfortable. You're bigger, apparently that makes people uncomfortable. The common thing, discomfort....maybe, just maybe it ain't us or our size...maybe it's them...Much love and respect from the other side of the fence.