I share your feeelings on Trudeau. I remember when he first ran from PM, I could see him coming from a mile away.
As for the holiday he "set aside" for Indigenous children, I remember calling bullshit on that right away. it's the same status quo saving garbage that makes him look good and those like him feel all warm and fuzzy as if they're "good people" with thier orange t-shirts. It was a public relations stunt and a poor one, at that. Hey, thousands of murdered children? Let's have another day off work. What makes it particularly disgusting is the obvious (at least to me) undertone of it. It's as if he's calling for reflection with one side of his face and then saying "yeah, we'll have a holiday, that'll shut them damn Indians up and make them think we give a fuck" out of the other.
I've said the same thing about a class action lawsuit. The parents should absolutely do that!