I think THIS is the crux of it right here, both as between disagreeing Christians and Christians and those holding other beliefs. It's all fear, fear of the unknown, fear of a lot of things.
As far as Christians vs the rest of us, I think there's often a fear of change, a fear of the world becoming something it wasn't. It wasn't long ago that Christianity was the dominanat viewpoint, now, not so much. It's scary when you've been on top and called the shots so to speak and you start to see the truth and way of life you hold as sacred truth being challenged and treatened.
I suppose it could be similar between arguing facttions within the wider Christian community. Fear of progress, fear of changing with the times, fear of an ever-changing world and our understanding of it.
I was rasied Christian, almost converted to Judiasm, am a sort of reforming athiest that's still agnostic but drawn back to Judiasm somehow. So, I guess I'm a seeker, but that said, maybe they should start really internalizing some of the lessons and teachings in that Bible they love to wave around. That Jesus, from what I read, was pretty big on not judging.