I was lucky, I could afford to give up work. And by work, I mean working for others. I still work, I make enough from my writing to sustain myself. Granted, I'm not living high on the hog.
If one can afford it, fine. Or if, like I say, you have something else to do to sustain yourself, fine. But just quitting work and sitting on the couch wrapped in some false sense of moral superiority is stupid. You know what's worse than working a shit job (and I've had a lot of them in my day)? I'll tell you - being broke as shit. Being broke sucks. Being poor sucks. Sometimes we have to do things we don't like until we don't have to do them any more. I had to explain that to my youngest son a while ago. He didn't understand how I got to "sit home all day and write" when he has to go out in the cold to work. Well first, I don't sit around all day. Second, when he cultivates a talent or skill and then spends 25-30 years in the workforce, maybe he'll have earned the right to "sit home" as he calls it. See what you've done now, you've got me all up on my soapbox.