I'm so sorry this happened to you. Tom, as I'm sure you know, was called on the carpet by Corporate and told to shut you up and make you happy to make this go away.
I'm so glad you stood up. It's what we need to do. I'm not a member of the LGBTQ+ community, but I am a womon of colour (well, I look white), so I get discrimination, especially in a small town that knows "exactly" who I am. We need to always stand up to this.
People like Tom will never change their views, but if they're going to serve the public, they need to take the public as they come.
I applaud you not naming the store because had it been me, it'd have been name and shame all over the damn place, but I'm ugly that way.
May you do many years of laundry with the new set, sounds like there's a never ending supply. :)