I'm so sorry you felt that way. I can only imagine what a young person must feel believing they're part monster because they happened to be born white. That, for me, is not what the race debate is about.
I have to thank you for giving me something to think about and another way to look at things. I'm not sure how we balance the competing needs. If we're making white kids truly hate themselves and not giving them some sort of healthy way to express their sadness and regret over slavery and the treatment of people of colour, that's wrong. There has to be a way to address the history accurately without hurting kids. Your response to me is a start.
I have had moments of, I won't call it hate, but more guilt, that I was born looking white and therefore mostly shielded from the hardships my siblings have faced, so I sort of get it.
I still hate the celebs who totally do it for virtue signalling.