It's nice that you see us as all one human race, however, what you see and think is ahrdly the point on a larger scale. If we were were viewd as all one race, this wouldn't even be a discussion, but it is. Society has made it an issue. Racism exists. I don't experience it as much as most of my brothers and sisters because I present as very white, but it's there and it's real.
We're not all one race as you say as long as you can drive around all day and not be pulled over no matter what you're driivng and no matter the neighbourhood and my brother can't do the same because of the colour of his skin. Or as long as your son can walk around wearing a hoodie anywhere he pleases but my nephews can't because they can be shot, and I do mean that in a very real sense.
We're not all one race as long as you and your wife can call up to view an apartment and the agency is happy and eager to have your application and my sister views the same apartment (after calling on the phone) and it's suddenly rented as soon as they see here (oh, and it's still being advertised a week later).
We're not all one race when a pandemic hits and all of a sudden Asian Americans are having abuse hurled at them just because it suppposedly began in China.
You get the idea. You appear to be a white man from your picture. I could be wrong because, hey, you could be like me, a very white looking multi-racial person, so I don't want to assume. Not everyone is as accepting of everyone as you seem to be. Not everyone sees us as "one race". You don't see it, you don't live with it every day, so it's no wonder you wouldn't be aware. I get that. People see things from their own experience. But racism is alive and well, and running rampant in some circles.
That's the point I was trying to get across. With the rise is right wing conservatism and the fall of Roe v. Wade, it's not a giant leap to think some of these "racial purity" types, Bible in hand decide to try their luck in the courts to challenge interracial marriage, you know, for the sake of the children and all that.