I've written other articles about thi. This stoy was a resinse to a specific question. You're not wrong. The Dems failed to address the rea worod issues people are facing. They preached and pontificated and wagged fingerd. Elites, Obama, Beyonce, whoever...nobody whonwoks day to day on the ground. The hard truth is that the Dems have lost touch with their traditional base, the working class. Elitest preaching andtelling people they arent experiencing what they are doesn't work. I'm not him and he's Hitler isn't a platform. Peopl wanted to hear what she was going to do for them, for their lives, their bills. They lost becaue they ran a shit, eleitest campaign and they'll lose again if they dont examine the reality. Its sad because I don't see regular people thriving under 47. I don't see women or LGTBQ+ people thriving.....this was so easy..but again, the Dems, in their arrogance fucked it uo