LOL, me either. Fun story (seems I have a lot of them), but I can remember the very second I knew my marriage was doomed. I knew my ex-husband was no genius (I was in my "I shouldn't judge" phase when we met and eventually married), but holy shit!
I was finishing up my degree and was working one weekend on my thesis. He come over to the dining room table where I was working and asked, "Are you working on your feces?"
I stared at him, kinda stunned. Clearly, he had to be kidding. I pretended I didn't catch what he said and said, "Huh?"
"Your feces," he repeated like it was a normal thing to say, "Is that what you're working on?"
I mean even if my thesis had turned out to be shit (which it wasn't, it got the first A+ the department ever awarded to a thesis), I mean...Jesus, that's just a bridge too far for me.