Money is complicated, especially when you grow up in a family where it was an issue. I also have a huge problem with anyone telling me what to do with my money, and like you I think it goes deep.
For me, I think a large part of it is the modeling my parents displayed. They were great examples of what not to do. You already know about the hoarding and poor spending choices, but there's more. My mother was never a person in her own right. She was always Mrs Reuben Johnson. appendage of her husband. She even signed her name that way. Not Mrs Winnifred Johnson, Mrs Reuben Johnson. Along with that, she never had a bank account, she never made her own money, she didn't have say over any of it. Oh, she'd rant and rave, but that amounted to nothing. I remember all of this bothering me as a kid and I'm guilty of overacting when suggestions around my money are made. Thankfully, my husband hates dealing with money, so I call all the shots :) I may have to write about this....