My feelings about Trudeau ; well, my mother said if I have nothing good to say, not to say anything at all, LOL. Unfortunately, Canada is largely a 3 party system, and is increasingly becoming a 4 or 5 party system. What we end up with is mainly 2 parties splitting the right vote (Conservatives and People's Alliance), the Greens and NDP, splitting the left, The Bloc Quebecois just for the one province of Quebec and the liberals and Trudeau slide up the middle with more votes than any other party, but not "the most" over all, if that makes sense. It also doesn't help that the leaders for the other parties are, well, let's say less than inspiring. The former Conservative leader, Erin O'Toole (that's a man despite the spelling of the first name), had 0 personality, zero presence and was essentially the equivalent of running a cardboard cutout for office. And the NDP leader, Jagmeet Singh, while seemingly engaging and intelligent, will never lead the party to governemnt because the NDP is the perpetual 3rd party.
You may or may not know this, but Turdeau's father was Prime Minister of Canada during my youth. I was no real fan of his father's, but Trudeau, the younger pales in comparison to the elder.