Perhaps that's what she meant. That's a good point. I hope it's what she meant. For me, it didn't come off that way, especially in light of the fact that her second comment doubled down by saying Obama was raised by his white mother and grandmother and had little to no contact with his Black father. I suppose that could have been her saying because of the mother and grandmother's privilege he had access to things others may not have had access to. I don't know. It just didn't land well with me, especially in the absence of any follow up. She never did address the question "what does culturally white mean?"
Anyway, the lack of follow up can mean one of three things, 1. She knows she was wrong or at the very least what she said has a bad look to it and she's embarrassed, 2. She doesn't think she's wrong but she doesn't want to face the implications of potentially receiving negative feedback on the comment, or 3. she thinks she's right, proved her point and there's no point in further discussing the matter with someone like me who obviously doesn't get it.
Either way, her comments made me think and opened up a conversation, even if it's only one in my head, and for that I'm grateful. In order to dismantle institutions like racism and privilege, we have to be willing to hear things we don't like and have those uncomfortable discussions.