So not surprised! I used to enjoy Vocal. I'm one of the few that made money. I won challenges. I paid in about $240 and got back $8K in prize money. But the site changed and it became less about quality writing and more about cliques and revenue generations at all cost.
Writers who had been there all along, building the platform have been cast aside unless the kiss the ceo's ass.
I don't do that. I've called Jeremy Frommer out a could times and he even blocked me on Twitter. My intention was to help until he decided to act like a child, so now, let the fuckign thing burn!
The stock is circling the drain at 1.8 cents. They're desperate, as desperate as a shithouse rat who hasn't eaten in 3 days. The stock's so worthless, I could likely stage a hostile takeover with the change in my piggybank.
They wanted your money to hang on a little bit longer. Fuck them. I paid monthly, won a free year and they started charging me again after 10 months. Desperate and pathetic.