Thank you. yeah, I was, and am, angry. It's very difficult not to be angry when I see poverty and desperation everywhere I look and knowing there's no damn need for it!
There's no need for my city to have more homeless people per thousand than Toronto (see:,-Local%20officials%20want&text=The%20Sault%20has%20more%20homeless,Administration%20Board%20learned%20Thursday%20night.) There's no need for a decent place to live to be out of reach for so many people here.
There's no need for me to watch (and this literally happened) an elderly person steal a block of cheese or a package of hamburger.
There's no need for an elderly man to have to resort to digging through trash!
We have the audacity to look down our noses at the US, as if we're so much more compassionate and caring up here! Oh, please, tell me another one!