Thank you. It may be, it may not be, I don't know. It's strange looking back now and realizing all the lies we tell kids and don't even think about it all the while preaching honesty. And the worst part is those lies often reinforce greed and commercialism, which to my mind, is a) contrary to any religious/spiritual meaning behind holidays that I know of and b) just isn't a positive message to be reinforcing. Easter, well, chocolate and toys are cute and fun, but we have an obesity epidemic among children who are being fed food-like crap and are no longer playing outside. It's our fault. We did it. We meaning my generation, we sat our kinds in front of the TV, we stopped cooking real meals and our kids are paying the price. Tons of candy might not be a great plan. Oh, and you know, greed, why does every holiday have this be good and get stuff lie? How about be good and don't be an ass because it's the right thing to do? Oh, Lord, I may have to write on this now....