Thank you for this. I've always been thin and it's always been perfectly fine for people (adults and children alkie) to comment on my size throughout my life. A stiff breeze would blow me a way, turn sideways and I'd disappear, bag of bones, all arms and legs, go eat something..rumours that I have some sort of illness or eating disorder. Or the worst, the assumption that my life is perfect and that I'm a self-involved, vapid bitch because I happen to be thin. No, I'm just thin. Not sick, I love to eat, just so happens I was made this way. But it's okay to judge me.
Oh, and it's also okay to post memes celebrating larger bodies while denigrating smaller ones, "Real women have curves," "real women aren't a size 0," "I'd be thin too, but I like pasta and wine." And heaven forbid I object.
Don't get me started...I feel a rant coming on...