Thank you, the T-shirt was something I saw at a store about 2 years ago and and I had to have it.. It's just so "me". I get some strange looks wearing it, me a middle aged woman, having the audacity to wear something so bright and with such a slogan (duh, why do they think I'm wearing it?).
You're right, it's not anti-feminist unless the intent is to harm or devalue other women. But that's what we do as humans, we somehow try to make everything fit into binary categories, if one thing is good the other must be bad. Women staying home cooking and cleaning = bad, therefore not doing those things = good, without any grey area. I see the same thing with size at times, larger bodies = good, smaller ones therefore... Oh I could rant all day about these things, but I won't. I'll sum it up like this, we fought for equality and choice, and no matter what the choice is as long as a woman is making it freely, of her own volition, it's feminist to me.