Ugg! The passive aggressive ask is THE WORST! Broom - Dollar Tree or whatever the American equivalent is. Food _ there are churches, food banks, etc. Bed - churches, charities, etc. Don't know how to make it work - how about NOT by taking money from everyone else? Use that time you're wasting on Facebook in a passive aggressive attempt at sympathy and scrounge up what you need.
I have ZERO sympathy for her! I've struggled. You know what I did? I didn't buy myself so much as a pair of underwear for 12 years! I worked 3 fucking jobs. If my boys didn't have a bed (they always did) but if they didn't, they'd sleep in mine and my happy ass would take the floor. No broom for some reason? Borrow one from a friendly neighbour for like, 5 minutes.
DO NOT FEEL GUILTY. Running to her aid is not helping her, it's crippled her. You know it deep down, but you're worried about the boy. I can't fault you for that, you have a big heart. But she's using the child as a tool. If you give in, you'll be writing this same thing 20 years from now, only you'll write it slower and she'll be in her 60s.
Isn't there a Bible verse....something about giving a person a fish and they eat for a day, but teaching them to fish...they eat for a lifetime?