we're of the same mind in many ways. I'm Canadian, so the Republican/Democrat dichotimy is more Liberal/Conservative here. However, American politics is kind of pervasive, so I get it.
I'm what you'd call a fiscal conservative. I like a close eye on the loot. I like balanced budgets. I like common sense spending and less bullshit waste.
However, I'm also a social liberal. I don't care who people love, how they want to identify or any of that. Gay, straight, male, female, both, neither, don't care, go forth, be happy and do you. I'm pro-choice and Hiliary makes me want to puke! By the way, as an aside, the entire stand by her man shit, I called that back then, I told my mother she was plotting a run for the White House. I stand as correct. But I digress. I think there are structural issues in our society that need to be addressed and that there will always be people that need help and should receive it with some modicum of dignity and respect. I say yes to the Unicorn Party! As always, loved your story.