What a dick! You could take him to small claims court given he signed a contract, but, to be honest, it wuld be a waste of time, effort and energy. You'd win and get a judgment against him, so what? A judgment is basically an IOU endorsed by the court and enforcing it would be next to impossible.
Don't feel like an idiot. You trusted someone. You tried to give a person a break. You tried to help a fellow human being. You learned a lesson. And that's really what life is, doing the best we can and learning lessons along the way.
Karma will get this Dalton character eventually. These types of users go along, gleefully taking from anyone and everyone they encounter.....until their luck runs out. And it always does.
You can look at yourself in the mirror and know you've done nothing wrong. This clown ran to Florida and will run again when he's used up the hospitality and kindness being extended to him where he's at. Basically, fu*k him!