You know, it's still okay to be White. Lots of people are. I'm not, I'm mixed race (Black father, White mother). My family were both the oppressed and the oppressors, but still. I think you reacted emotionally because it's an emotionally charged topic.
Soceity is being forced to confront the realities of what was done to Black and Brown people. It's not a pleasant reality, it ain't pretty. it's gritty, it's dark and it's horrific.
You're human, you reacted as a human. Why did he ask you specifically? My guess is because he felt it was a safe space in which to discuss things he didn't understand.
We need more of this. We need more conversation, more asking of questions, more listening to each other.
Thank you for your openness. You've gained a new follower and I look forward to reading more.