You know why thse guys like women 18-24? I'll tell you as a way, way too old, apparently out to pasture woman of 51 who was once young.
They want someone to manipulate and control. They package it as an age thing, and as a looks thing but it's an insecurity thing, on their part.
Younger women, at least speaking for myself, are inexperienced and insecure. I allowed all kinds of shit when I was young that I'd never put up with now. I didn't even know who I was at 24.
Honestly, I was about 43 when I came into my own. So, at 37, the best is yet to come for you.
The doofus that show up with those comments knows he can't have you. He knows he's got nothing to offer an intelligent, mature woman, so he's trying to bring you down to his level. You are absolutely in your prime, you know who you are, you accept it and you have your shit together, if that's not prime, I don't know what is.