You're attempting to argue where there is no argument. But hey, I'm here for it.
I would say there's factual truth, the who, what, when, where, why. I already said that.
What you're describing as factual truth is more a scientific truth. You're applying a scientific model to our discussion. Okay, fine, I'll play along.
However, your assertion that the symbolism of the KKK uniform and it's meaning/what it represents is untestable and only true because I want it to be so is incorrect.
It is testable. You've heard of social.sciences, right? It would be very easy to conduct an experiment on various symbols, etc and what they represent. It can be tested and replicated. I did that shit for years before I went to law school. There may be narrative reasons for that, but those are underscored by historical fact.
Just like the fact that both Indigenous and Black people were enslaved. That's just a fact of history, not something I want to be true..